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Showing posts from January, 2019

Milk from crops???? What is Crop milk?

Will there be no need of Cow in future??????? A known fact is that -  Crop milk contains more fat and protein content as compared to human or cow milk. But  What is this Crop milk? Is it true that crops produce milk? Crop milk  is a secretion from the lining of the  crop  ( thin-walled expanded portion of the alimentary tract   )of parent birds that is  regurgitated (bring up to the mouth)  to young birds. It is found among all  pigeons and doves   where it is referred to as  pigeon milk . Why to know about this:- The crop milk is produced by pigeons about 3 days before parturirtion. And it is essential for the faster growth of young ones. An analog to crop milk is also secreted from the esophagus of  flamingos  and some pe nguins. Who will give me Shelter????

Lactose, All you need to know ! !😵

Facts known to us           : Lactose is a disaccharide that yields D-glucose and D-galactose on hydrolysis. Lactose is one-sixth times sweeter than sucrose Facts we need to know   : It is designated as 4-ortho- β-D-galactopyranosyl-D-glucopyranose.   α-lactose: Ordinary commercial lactose is α-lactose monohydrate.  It is prepared by concentrating an aqueouslactose solution to super saturation and allow for crystallization to take place at a modern rate below 93.5 0C.    β-lactose: This is the other isomeric form lactose.  It exhibits a specific rotation of +35.00on anhydrous weight basis. Above 93.50C crystallization or drying of lactose solutions yields β anhydrate.

What makes kinematic viscosity differ from dynamic ?

Absolute (or Dynamic) Viscosity:  This is a measure of how resistive the flow of a fluid is between two layers of fluid in motion.  A value can be obtained directly from a rotational viscometer which measures the force needed to rotate a spindle in the fluid SI unit          - mPa.s    . cgs unit        - cP  . Kinematic Viscosity:  This is a measure of how resistive the flow of a fluid is under the influence of gravity.  Kinematic viscometers usually use the force of gravity to cause the fluid to flow through a calibrated orifice, while timing its flow. SI unit          - mm^2.s   . cgs unit        - cSt(centi stroke).

Ever wondered How the milk is produced inside a COW?????

The udder is composed of glandular tissue which contains milk-produ-cing cells. It is encased in muscular tissue, which gives cohesion to the body of the udder and protects it against injury from knocks and blows. The glandular tissue contains a very large number (about 2 billion) of tiny bladders called alveoli .  The actual milk-producing cells are located on the inner walls of the alveoli, which occur in groups of between 8 and 120. Capillaries leading from the alveoli converge into progressively larger milk ducts which lead to a cavity above the teat. The cistern of the udder has an extension reaching down into the teat; this is called the teat cistern. At the end of the teat there is a channel 1 – 1.5 cm long. Between milkings the channel is closed by a sphincter muscle which prevents milk from leaking out and bacteria from entering the udder. The whole udder is laced with blood and lymph vessels. These bring nutrient-rich blood from the heart to the udder, where it is di


Working and Operation: - ·        The ice-cream is filled or stored in the bulk cans which are filled through bulk filling nozzle by weight or by volume. ·        The cups are placed on the conveyor which keeps on moving on the conveyor and stays at every section for required time period. ·        The cups are then filled through metered devices by volume or weight by a filling tube. In best mode, product dispensing nozzle may be of elongated configuration that may cover into cups and rose during the filling operation to avoid frothing. ·        Once the cups are filled, it is sent for leveling. The excess ice-cream is removed by manually or through automatically. ·        The lid is attached to the cup by a lid dispensing system. A piston presses the top of the lid for proper sealing. ·        After lid attachment mechanism printing and manufacturing details are done. ·        The cup further moves on conveyer and is raised from the mould from the bottom by a pist

Is MILK Cholesterol good for us???????

In today's era, we people are well aware about the ill effects of cholesterol through the various advertisements on different sources of communication weather it is T.V. or Newspaper. CHOLESTEROLLLL!!!!!!!!! BUT THERE ARE ITS TOO MANY BENEFITS LIKE : It helps in digesting fat. Enhances thinking power of infants. It helps in production of vitamin D. Important for the production of hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. Now the question is that - If there are so many benefits of cholesterol then why are we misguided? The answer is that, there are 2 types of Cholesterol, The first one is LDL( low-density lipoprotein), or “bad” cholesterol, because it contributes to fatty buildups in arteries . This condition narrows the arteries and increases the risk for heart attack, stroke and peripheral artery disease, or PAD. Here comes the second , which is HDL( high-density lipoprotein), or “good” cholesterol, absorbs cholesterol and carries it back t

Why does Mozzarella Cheese stretch?????

Mozzarella cheese was originally manufactured from high fat Buffalo m ilk in Italy, but it is now made all over Italy, in all European countries and USA from  Cow milk It belongs to the cheese classified as 'Pasta- filata' which involves the principle of skillfully stretching the curd in hot water to get a smooth texture and grains in cheese. It is a soft, white, unripened cheese which may be consumed shortly after its manufacture. Its melting and stretching characteristics are highly appreciated in the manufacture of PIZZA, where it is a key ingredient. Shelf life of this cheese is at most 2 weeks. This cheese gives good gritting/ shredding quality.  Milling acidity for Mozzarella cheese is about 0.7%L.A. . Stretching in this cheese is because the di calcium para-caseinate breaks into mono calcium para-caseinate, and this happens because the ph is brought at about 5.6 . It is made either by traditional method or by Direct acid coagulation.

Ice-cream or Frozen desert. Are we being cheated ?

CURRENT SCENARIO We, the people of INDIA are very less aware about the Dairy Sector. For us it is only confined to the milkman who gives us milk and the seller who supplies us dahi, ghee, butter,ice-cream. And just because of our this little knowledge, the one who have more are able to cheat on us by providing a low quality product at such a high price of the product with superior quality. When talking about Ice-cream, the first thing that comes to our mind is one of the delicious, mouth cooling, taste enhancer or the party ending dish which is being preferred in summers. Now-a-days many manufacturers compromise with the raw materials and gives us a low quality product at the price of the Ice- cream and the sufferer is the consumer. When you see the picture on the carton, you would think it is any ordinary ice cream. Only when you turn it around to look for a title, you see a much smaller font there, and it says - Frozen Dessert .